Index of /AQAR 20-21/Criterion 7/Criterion 7.2/7.2 Documents to upload/

Charity audit report/                              12-Nov-2022 15:29                   -
election file/                                     12-Nov-2022 15:28                   -
photos/                                            05-Feb-2022 10:57                   -
Criteria 7.2 report.pdf                            04-Mar-2022 11:48             3580639
PWC BEST PRACTICES.pdf                             23-Jan-2022 15:53             1099168
Report of best practice.pdf                        28-Feb-2022 15:15             4656706
uba certificate for vandna.pdf                     05-Feb-2022 10:53              161188
wet land day certificate 22.pdf                    05-Feb-2022 10:52             2917746