Index of /AQAR_23_24/CRITERION 7/7.1.3/Geotagged photographs of the facilities/
E WASTE COLLECTION.jpeg 01-Feb-2022 06:12 177000
Incinerator.jpg 14-Jan-2022 15:15 2433478
Incinertor2 .jpg 14-Jan-2022 15:06 3661806
Pigs.jpg 18-Jan-2022 19:33 5357935
Plastic Recycling.jpg 01-Feb-2022 06:44 349206
Providence College MCF unit.jpg 19-Nov-2022 15:39 1262338
Rain harvesting port.jpg 20-Jan-2022 10:54 4029670
Ring compost unit.jpg 30-Dec-2022 10:29 5000217
Ring compost unit1.jpg 13-Oct-2022 06:49 2104154
Ring compost unit3.jpg 28-Oct-2022 09:30 287357
Vermi Compost.jpg 25-Jan-2022 08:47 2526795