Index of /AQAR_23_24/CRITERION 7/Green campus initiatives/Geo tagged/

 doubt -green  campus.JPG                          28-Dec-2022 20:58             4164169
Green Campus  2.jpg                                14-Jan-2022 15:17             3420902
Green Campus 1.jpg                                 14-Jan-2022 15:18             6034099
Green Campus 3.jpg                                 14-Jan-2022 15:17             5579220
Green Campus 4.jpg                                 14-Jan-2022 15:17             5947710
Green Campus 5.jpg                                 14-Jan-2022 15:17             4250106
Green Campus 6.jpg                                 14-Jan-2022 15:18             3946932
Landscaping with tree and plants (1).jpeg          22-Dec-2022 06:26             4449821
Landscaping with tree and plants (2).jpeg          22-Dec-2022 10:03             3374445
Landscaping with tree and plants (3).jpeg          22-Dec-2022 10:02             4581344
Landscaping with tree and plants (4).jpeg          22-Dec-2022 10:03             5126198
Landscaping with tree and plants (5).jpeg          22-Dec-2022 10:04             2941064
Landscaping with trees.jpg                         14-Jan-2022 15:16             5405052
Mussa.JPG                                          28-Dec-2022 19:11             3113676
Parking 1.jpg                                      13-Jan-2022 23:57             5936537
Parking 2.jpg                                      13-Jan-2022 23:57             5739321
arts building 2.jpg                                30-Dec-2022 10:39             5815522
butterfly tree.jpg                                 30-Dec-2022 10:39             5344479
campus tre.JPG                                     28-Dec-2022 19:13             5091072
climbers garden.jpg                                30-Dec-2022 10:41             3582015
garden.jpg                                         30-Dec-2022 10:36             5295745
green campus-bicycle.jpeg                          29-Dec-2022 10:36              167077
herbal garden.jpg                                  30-Dec-2022 10:35             4837707
herbal plants and home remedies.jpg                30-Dec-2022 10:35             3991940
jubilee block 1.jpg                                30-Dec-2022 10:34             4633716
jubilee plant house (1).jpg                        30-Dec-2022 10:34             5097612
jubilee plant house.jpg                            30-Dec-2022 10:34             5097612
landscaping with plants.JPG                        28-Dec-2022 21:38             3435750
pedastrain friendly pathways 2.jpg                 25-Jan-2022 08:53             1478102
pedastrain path ways 2.jpg                         25-Jan-2022 08:49             2237181
pedastrain path ways 5.jpg                         25-Jan-2022 08:56             1829612
pedastrain path ways 6.jpg                         25-Jan-2022 08:58             1117874
pedastrain path ways.jpg                           25-Jan-2022 08:46             2455516
pedestrain path way 3.jpg                          25-Jan-2022 08:54             1086684
pedestrain path ways 4.jpg                         25-Jan-2022 08:55             2397797
water sprayer.jpg                                  15-Jan-2022 00:06             5422364